Saturday, June 20, 2009

Who I am.

Seeing how this is my 3rd post on my new blog, I might as well give you some insight into who I am. My name is Jessi and I am 24 years old. I live in Rhode Island and have lived on the RI/CT border for most of my life. I am not new to the blogging world but this is my first time back in quite a few years. I used to keep journals on Livejournal and Blurty when I was in high school. I am hoping to stick to blogging frequently, hopefully every day.
I have a boyfriend whom I have been dating for almost 3 years. We have an apartment about 20 minutes away from where I work and grew up. As I will explain later, I needed to get out of that town. It's my way of being close enough to my family and friends, but far enough to actually go home and not be just 5 minutes away from everyone I have ever known. It feels good to know I can go to the grocery store and not know everyone there, as silly as that sounds. It just makes sense.
I am a waitress and have been for about 5 years. I begin school in August to finally make something of myself. I know I am not living my life to it's full potential and it eats away at my soul. I am really looking forward to school, even if it is just a community college. I am going for a Marketing Transfer Degree which simply means I will obtain my Associate's Degree and transfer to a 4-year school to earn my Bachelor's Degree. My goal is to get into the advertising business and design print ads.
I am off to shower and get to ready to go to bed now, I'll write again tomorrow. Ciao.