Thursday, June 25, 2009

Wide Awake...

It's 12:30am and I am wide awake, sitting here with my laptop and watching National Lampoon's Vacation.

I am thrilled to have the next 4 days off. My job is really getting to me. I don't know if it's the customers or if it's me. Probably just a good combination of the two. People have been so miserable lately. We get a lot of tourists with the beach being so close but because of all the rain, well they're here and stuck inside. Even the locals are bad. I can't wait for the nice weather to come and get people out of their misery.

I'm getting that old feeling again about wanting to just get out of the restaurant business completely. So I just don't even want to be there anymore. I've applied for every damn job that I can find and still no luck. It really sucks to be stuck there in this economy slump. They expect us to work like we're getting crazy benefits and shall I even say... appreciation. We don't get any sort of appreciation except for when the customers tip for the service. The company doesn't give a shit, the management is all about numbers and figures, which comes down to labor. Cutting us wicked short just to save a buck but in the long run, leaving us servers running ragged. They want to know why people call out so much. Or why no one wants to pick up a shift. And I have just been doing it this way for a long time and need a big change. I'm waiting on one application I filled out for a local bank but I'm not gonna get my hopes too high, just in case. But it would be so nice if this could be my big break.

I can't wait to start college in August just to know I'm working towards a career. That there is a possibility that I won't have to do this forever. The grant I received was heaven sent I swear. I know even if I don't end up with a new job right away, the whole school thing will keep me going.

I'm going to try and go lay down. ttyl.